20 July 2006


The number of Lebanese civilian deaths reported today by Lebanese security forces, plus another 582 injured. I know I've been here once already this week...but it's been occupying my mind for a great part of each day for the last couple weeks, and I'm still not seeing / hearing enough dialogue about it. Kofi has called for a cease fire, and though I don't think a ceasefire in itself solves anything, seeing these numbers makes me believe that it's outright necessary right now. But will the Bushies back this sentiment?? Of course not, because...all together now..."Israel has the right to defend itself." I don't buy it. Israel had the option, right from the get-go, to go into Gaza (and then later Lebanon) covertly and extract their kidnapped troops, then go to the UN and work from there to reprimand Hamas and Hezbollah. The kidnapped troops never mattered...Israel got dramatic about it in order to be allowed by the world to enter into this uncalled for offensive. Why do we find it impossible to ever criticize this country? Is it the historical, biblical struggles of it's "people?" Is it a fear of being labelled anti-Semetic? I just don't get it. They're being overly aggressive, maybe even terroristic in their response...and we're content to let it happen. There's a lot of baggage to unpack in the Middle East, without a doubt...but we're not even ready to help them undo the latches. 65% of 633 American's polled think we should stay out of this scuffle. Do 2/3 of us really have our heads that far up our...ok, nevermind. There's just too much at stake to sit back and watch it happen.

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