17 July 2006

Something New

I've been a little bored with myself lately and I've got a lot of random thoughts rattling around in my head. This is, hopefully, going to be my attempt at getting them out of my head and onto "paper." Maybe, if anyone reads this, someone (or a few someones) will help me sort out the myriad thoughts that trail through my feeble brain on any given day. We'll play with ideas in philosophy, economics, world and domestic politics, feminism, life in DC, life in general, being 20-something and just out of college (but desperately wanting to go back), spending too many nights drinking and not enough sleeping, religion, and whatever other fun idea with which we come up.


SteveG said...

Welcome aboard oxy! Can't wait to read what you've got cooking upstairs.

Aspazia said...

Hey There! Just saw your blog. Welcome aboard. I am linking to ya right now!